ER: My Special Gift for X

One of the students' assignments in the extensive reading class is that they need to think as if they were preparing a special gift for a character in the story. I love this assignment!

Years ago, back then when I was sitting in my extensive reading class as a student, I had to present my gifts in front of my friends. I picked The Prince of Egypt

It is an easy one, Level 2, and actually an adaptation of Spielberg's animated film. The book narrates the story of Moses and how he grew up as a prince in Egypt, once saved by the Egyptian queen when he was still a baby. Appointed by God, Moses was tasked to lead and free his people from slavery in Egypt, standing against his stepbrother, Ramses. 

I had to think of what gift was special for Moses. I remembered my favorite scene in that book, that is when Moses stood before the river/sea, prayed to God, raised his staff, and let his people witness the powerful God split the sea before them. It is that scene that I always imagine when I read the same story told in the Bible. I thought of giving him this item. 

So, instead of walking with that old, curvy wooden staff, Moses could walk and move more elegantly with this new wooden staff. And that scene would be way cooler when he raised this stylish staff! And he could do more miraculous things later with his staff, too!

The next person I chose was from the same story: Ramses. Well, it would not have been fair if I had treated Moses but his stepbrother. After all, I would like to make the story more interesting. Haha. 😎 

I knew Ramses .was the wicked one. Although Moses had reminded him how omnipotent God is--remember those ten plagues, Ramses was headstrong and ignorant. Even when he seemingly let Moses and his people walk away from his land, he tried to chase and capture them back. Then, they were riding their chariots but got stopped--and trapped--when the sea closed. 

Forgive me for my being 'naughty', but here is what I would like to give Ramses (and his army). Tadaaa!

The chase would not have ended right there when the sea closed. I would love to see how this stubborn Ramses kept chasing Moses and his people. And what next would God show to those people? I would love to witness more miraculous things to happen and let Moses utilize his new staff too! Haha. 

What about my students? Well, let me tease the gifts they have prepared for the characters. Please check their blog updates, too.

What about you? Who is your favorite character? And what special present would you like to give him/her? Mind sharing your ideas? 😉

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